Model module libraries

There are three types of model module libraries - those for describing input data, developing models and making predictions.

Computational models developed with ready4 are intended to be both transferable (they are tools that can be used in multiple decision contexts) and modular (they are comprised of self-contained components, each of which performs a narrow sub-set of tasks). For these reasons, ready4 computational models are developed and distributed as libraries of modules.

The three types of ready4 module libraries are:

  • - modules for describing and quality assuring model data;

  • - modules to specify, assess and report statisitical models; and

  • - modules for making predictions.

A table summarising currently available module libraries can be generated by using the make_libraries_tb function from the ready4 framework library.

libraries_tb <- make_libraries_tb("modules")

Module libraries are thematically grouped under one of four “sections” of the ready4 model, one each for modelling People, Places, Platforms and Programs. We can use the print_packages function to display the module libraries currently available for each section (currently, there are no publicly available libraries of ready4 modules for modelling platforms).

Module libraries for modelling people

print_packages(libraries_tb %>% dplyr::filter(Section == "People"),
               include_1L_chr = "modules")
Type Package Purpose Documentation Code Examples
Describe and Validate Person Records for Use in Youth Mental Health Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 1, 2
Score Multi-Attribute Instruments Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 3, 4
Model Youth Choice Behaviours with Ready4 Citation , Website , Citation Dev , Archive
Implement Transfer to Utility Mapping Algorithms Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 5
Explore and Characterise Heterogeneity in Quality of Life Data Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive
Specify Models to Solve Inverse Problems Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 6
Transform Youth Outcomes to Health Utility Predictions with Ready4 Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 7

Module libraries for modelling places

print_packages(libraries_tb %>% dplyr::filter(Section == "Places"),
               include_1L_chr = "modules")
Type Package Purpose Documentation Code Examples
Model Australian Spatial Data with Ready4 Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive
Model Spatial Attributes with Ready4 Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive

Module libraries for modelling programs

print_packages(libraries_tb %>% dplyr::filter(Section == "Programs") %>%
                 dplyr::mutate(Type = "Modelling (affordability)"),
               include_1L_chr = "modules")
Type Package Purpose Documentation Code Examples
Undertake Budget Impact Analysis using Open, Modulal Mental Health Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive
Last modified July 18, 2023: orygen monash handover (736051b)