
ready4 is a suite of software, with each included item performing a distinctive role.

System requirements

What you need in order to be able to use ready4 software on your machine.

Code repositories

ready4 software is freely available from multiple open access repositories.

Release statuses

Whether and how you should use a specific version of ready4 software depends in part on its release status.

Code libraries

Code libraries are used to distribute our software framework and modules of our computational model.


Executables (programs and sub-routines) are used to apply computational models to data and to report the resulting analyses.

User interfaces

User interfaces make it easier for non-technical users to explore and use ready4 models.

Terms of use

ready4 is distributed without warranties under open source licenses - we just ask you to appropriately cite it.

Last modified March 6, 2023: added vicinity and aus details (ca0de3f)