Finding modules and sub-modules

How to find individual ready4 modules and sub-modules.

You can search for ready4 modules and sub-modules using tools from the ready4 R package.

To search for themed collections of modules, you can review the current list of module libraries.

An itemised list of individual ready4 model modules and sub-modules can be generated by scraping the websites of these libraries make_modules_tb function (this may take a couple of minutes).

modules_tb <-  make_modules_tb()

A slightly quicker method to achieve a similar (but potentially less up to date) result is to use the get_modules_tb function.

# Not run
# modules_tb <- get_modules_tb()

The modules_tb object itemises both ready4 modules (which always use R’s “S4” class type) and sub-modules (“S3” class type). To display a HTML summary of just ready4 modules, you can use the print_modules function.

              what_1L_chr = "S4")
Class Description Examples
AusACT Meta data for processing ACT population projections
AusHeadspace Meta data for constructing Headspace Centre geometries
AusLookup Lookup tables for Australian geometry and spatial attribute data
AusOrygen Meta data for constructing OYH Specialist Mental Health Catchment geometries
AusProjections Meta data for constructing custom Australian population projections boundary
AusTasmania Meta data for processing Tasmanian population projections
ScorzAqol6 A dataset and metadata to support implementation of an AQoL-6D scoring algorithm
ScorzAqol6Adol A dataset and metadata to support implementation of a scoring algorithm for the adolescent version of AQoL-6D 1
ScorzAqol6Adult A dataset and metadata to support implementation of a scoring algorithm for the adult version of AQoL-6D
ScorzEuroQol5 A dataset and metadata to support implementation of an EQ-5D scoring algorithm 2
ScorzProfile A dataset to be scored, its associated metadata and details of the scoring instrument
SpecificConverter Container for seed objects used for creating SpecificModels modules 3
SpecificFixed Modelling project dataset, input parameters and complete fixed models results
SpecificInitiator Modelling project dataset, input parameters and empty results placeholder
SpecificMixed Modelling project dataset, input parameters and complete mixed models results
SpecificModels Modelling project dataset, input parameters and model comparison results
SpecificParameters Input parameters that specify candidate models to be explored
SpecificPredictors Modelling project dataset, input parameters and predictor comparison results
SpecificPrivate Analysis outputs not intended for public dissemination
SpecificProject Modelling project dataset, parameters and results
SpecificResults Analysis results
SpecificShareable Analysis outputs intended for public dissemination
SpecificSynopsis Input, Output and Authorship Data For Generating Reports
TTUProject Input And Output Data For Undertaking and Reporting Utility Mapping Studies 4
TTUReports Metadata to produce utility mapping study reports
TTUSynopsis Input, Output and Authorship Data For Generating Utility Mapping Study Reports
VicinityArguments Function arguments for constructing a spatial object
VicinityLocal Object defining data to be saved in local directory
VicinityLocalProcessed Object defining data to be saved in local directory in a processed (R) format
VicinityLocalRaw Object defining data to be saved in local directory in a raw (unprocessed) format
VicinityLookup Look up tables for spatiotemporal data
VicinityMacro Macro level context
VicinityMesoArea Meso level context - area
VicinityMesoRegion Meso level context - region
VicinityMicro Micro level context
VicinityProfile Information to create a profiled area object
VicinitySpaceTime Spatiotemporal environment
YouthvarsDescriptives Metadata about descriptive statistics to be generated
YouthvarsProfile A dataset and its associated dictionary, descriptive statistics and metadata 6
YouthvarsSeries A longitudinal dataset and its associated dictionary, descriptive statistics and metadata 6

You can use the same function to display only ready4 sub-modules.

              what_1L_chr = "S3")
Class Description Examples
specific_models Candidate models lookup table
specific_predictors Candidate predictors lookup table
vicinity_abbreviations ready4 S3 class for tibble object lookup table for spatial data abbreviations
vicinity_identifiers ready4 S3 class for tibble object lookup table of unique feature identifiers used for different spatial objects
vicinity_mapes ready4 S3 class for tibble object that stores spatial simulation parameters relating to Mean Absolute Prediction Errors
vicinity_parameters ready4 S3 class for tibble object that stores simulation structural parameters relating to the spatial environment
vicinity_points ready4 S3 class for tibble object lookup table of the longitude and latitude cordinates of sites of services / homes
vicinity_processed ready4 S3 class for tibble object lookup table of meta-data for spatial data packs (imported and pre-processed data)
vicinity_raw ready4 S3 class for tibble object lookup table of metadata about raw (un-processed) spatial data to import
vicinity_resolutions ready4 S3 class for tibble object lookup table of the relative resolutions of different spatial objects
vicinity_templates ready4 S3 class for tibble object lookup table for base file used in creation of certain spatial objects
vicinity_values ready4 S3 class for tibble object that stores simulation parameter values for each iteration
youthvars_aqol6d_adol youthvars ready4 sub-module (S3 class) for Assessment of Quality of Life Six Dimension Health Utility - Adolescent Version (AQoL6d Adolescent) 5
youthvars_bads youthvars ready4 sub-module (S3 class) for Behavioural Activation for Depression Scale (BADS) scores 5
youthvars_chu9d_adolaus youthvars ready4 sub-module (S3 class) for Child Health Utility Nine Dimension Health Utility - Australian Adolescent Scoring (CHU-9D Australian Adolescent) 5
youthvars_gad7 youthvars ready4 sub-module (S3 class) for Generalised Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) scores 5
youthvars_k10 youthvars ready4 sub-module (S3 class) for Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) - US Scoring System scores 5
youthvars_k10_aus youthvars ready4 sub-module (S3 class) for Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) - Australian Scoring System scores 5
youthvars_k6 youthvars ready4 sub-module (S3 class) for Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6) - US Scoring System scores 5
youthvars_k6_aus youthvars ready4 sub-module (S3 class)for Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6) - Australian Scoring System scores 5
youthvars_oasis youthvars ready4 sub-module (S3 class) for Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale (OASIS) scores 5
youthvars_phq9 youthvars ready4 sub-module (S3 class) for Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) scores 5
youthvars_scared youthvars ready4 sub-module (S3 class) for Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED) scores 5
youthvars_sofas youthvars ready4 sub-module (S3 class) for Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) 5
Last modified July 18, 2023: orygen monash handover (736051b)