Programs releases

Releases of programs for implementing modelling analyses.

Currently available (as at 18-Jul-2023) releases of analysis programs are described below.

Date Program Release Description
27-Oct-2022 dce_sa_analysis 0.1.1 A self-documenting R Markdown program for analysing responses to a discrete choice experiment exploring the online help-seeking preferences of socially anxious young people.
27-Oct-2022 dce_sa_analysis 0.1 version 0.1
26-Oct-2022 dce_sa_design An R Markdown program to create the experimental design for a Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) exploring online help seeking in socially anxious young people.This release uses functions from the mychoice R package (
26-Oct-2022 dce_sa_design version
19-Oct-2022 dce_sa_analysis An R Markdown program to analyse responses to a Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) survey exploring online help seeking in socially anxious young people.
16-Sep-2022 ttu_lng_aqol6_csp 0.1 Complete study program to reproduce all steps from data ingest through to results dissemination for a study to map mental health measures to AQoL-6D health utility.
13-Sep-2022 aqol6dmap_use 0.1 Apply AQoL-6D Utility Mapping Models To New DataThis release includes minor formatting change and an updated version number.
13-Sep-2022 ttu_lng_aqol6_csp new syntax
09-Jun-2022 dce_sa_design An R Markdown program to create the experimental design for a Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) exploring online help seeking in socially anxious young people.This update includes separate sub-routines for designing the pilot survey, analysing pilot survey responses and generating the final survey choice cards.
08-Jun-2022 dce_sa_design Initial pre-release
06-Apr-2022 aqol6dmap_use Apply AQoL-6D Utility Mapping Models To New DataThis release updates the .lua filters to address an error in rendering the RMarkdown script to PDF.
02-Mar-2022 aqol6dmap_fakes This program generates a purely synthetic (i.e. fake - no trace of any real records) population that is reasonably representative of the input data we used for the utility mapping study described in the article
01-Mar-2022 aqol6dmap_use Apply AQoL-6D Utility Mapping Models To New DataInitial release.
21-Feb-2022 ttu_lng_aqol6_csp Complete study program to reproduce all steps from data ingest through to results dissemination for a study to map mental health measures to AQoL-6D health utility.
17-Feb-2022 ttu_lng_aqol6_csp Complete study program to reproduce all steps from data ingest through to results dissemination for a study to map mental health measures to AQoL-6D health utility
17-Feb-2022 ttu_lng_aqol6_csp Complete study program to develop, share and report models that map mental health outcome measures to AQoL-6D health utility.
17-Feb-2022 ttu_lng_aqol6_csp 0.0.90 Complete study program to develop, share and report models that map mental health outcome measures to AQoL-6D health utility.
17-Feb-2022 ttu_lng_aqol6_csp 0.0.9 readme edit